
Investment Dashboard App

Nowadays, investments are gradually becoming an important part of our lives. However, investing requires training, as well as tools for them. Investure is an intuitive platform that does not require deep learning, the interface is clear even for beginners. With this platform, you can easily become a shareholder of top-growing companies and increase your capital.

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See more of my work

I'm proud of the work I've done in my career, and I'm excited to share it with you. Check out my other projects to see examples of my skills and experience.

I'm proud of the work I've done in my career, and I'm excited to share it with you. Check out my other projects to see examples of my skills and experience.

Let's Talk 🤝

© 2024 Nikita Gulak. Made by me with love in Figma & Framer.

Let's Talk 🤝

© 2024 Nikita Gulak. Made by me with love in Figma & Framer.

Let's Talk 🤝

© 2024 Nikita Gulak. Made by me with love in Figma & Framer.